Tuesday 19 September 2017


Mise en-scene from Great Baddow High School Media

Settings and props:
1- spaceship, aliens, laser guns, space, planets.
2- wedding, rings, flowers, dresses, hearts.
3- ghosts, clowns, screaming, children, dark lighting.

Facial expressions and body language:
Image 1- The two men look confused or focused on something. The dark colours convey a bad mood in the scene. 
Image 2- The blood on the mans top tells us that something bad has happened which conveys a bad mood because of fear or anger.
Image 3- The green uniform immediately presents army or war, which conveys feelings of fear, anger and pain.

Positioning of characters and objects within a frame:
Image 1- The couple are sat apart from each other in a busy room full of objects shows that there may be conflict. The woman looks angry and the man looks guilty which presents that this could be a Rom-com or a romance movie.
Image 2- 
Image 3- The fact the two men are stood close together suggests that they have a close bond and because of the guns in the image it also suggests that the genre of the film is an action film.
Image 4- The man stood in the middle of the image alone, shows that he is on his own surrounded by other people. The robots around the edge of the image suggest that it is a science fiction film.

How does MES convey the period?
The setting and props in the scene convey the period because of the old fashioned decoration and rustic design. Also the colours and style present that it is from a upper class house in an early period e.g Victorians. The costumes in the scene are both old fashioned and classy. The woman is wearing a dark grey dress, usually worn by wealthy women, and the man in the suit, looks like a butler confirming the time period that it is in the early periods. The woman's body language presents that she is above the man as she is presenting him something and looking worried. The man is taking something and looking serious which also presents him as a butler. Butlers were mainly popular in the 19th century which confirms the era. The positioning of the characters in the scene is that they are in the middle of the shot meaning that there is props and furniture around them. Also, it makes them look small and makes the room look big, like a big old fashioned family home. The lighting in the scene is dark and eerie. This presents the scene to be in the Victorian era because they mainly had candle light then and dark rooms, not bright electric lights.

Types of lighting:
1- artificial lighting, bright colours 
2- black and white contrast, shadows
3- natural lighting, brightly lit sets 
4- black silhouettes, grey contrast
5- dull and dark colours, bright stage light
6- dull colours, neutral tones 

Key lights, filler lights and back lights:
1- lamp= key light, blinds= filler lights, window= back lights
2- street light= key light, moon= filler lights, floor= back lights
3- door way= key light, white jacket= filler light, reflections= back light
4- heart= key light, hanging light= filler lights, window= back light

1 comment:

  1. Good don't forget the other mise en scene tasks - you'll be using MES throughout. Could you write what CLAMPS stands for on the blog.
