Sunday 13 January 2019

Stranger Things Poster Annotations:

 -With the amount of characters shown on the poster, it shows that there will be multiple storylines. This also suggests that they are the main characters so the audience will be seeing a lot of them and get to know them if they watch the series. 

- The characters at the top of the poster look scared and are positioned so that it looks like they are hiding behind another person. This suggests that maybe throughout the series, there may be something that may threaten them. 

- The use of the stars in the sky connote space and the sci fi genre. This shows that the series may contain some typical sci-fi conventions such as the supernatural, monsters etc. The night also connotes eeriness. 

- The character in the middle of the poster is shown to be slightly bigger showing that she may be significant throughout the series. This could also be connoted as she is positioned in the centre. The other characters are seen to surround her suggesting that they may be protecting her. This is reinforced by one of the characters holding a weapon - the baseball bat. 

- The title shown on the poster connotes a retro vine as it is written almost like a neon sign which could reference the 80s. This could suggest that the series may be set within this time period. This is reinforced by the clothing. The writing of the title also resembles that of a Stephen king film showing that there may be some intertextuality taken from some of his work. 

- There is much intertextuality shown between the poster and ET with the use of the bikes and the moon. 

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